STW0039 – BRUSSELS – school contracts
design: school contracts of three schools and their neighbourhoods
type: urbanism
designteam urbanism: act. (Studio Thomas Willemse + Emilie Bechet + Sarah Poot)
expert sociology and anthropology: Uses & Spaces
expert for participation: Urban Foxes
time: 2022-2023
The School Contract is a regional urban programme whose ambition is to improve school environments in Brussels and to strengthen the relationship between the school and its neighbourhood.
Within this framework, the mission consists in guiding the development of three schools : La Rose des Vents in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Edmond Peeters in Ixelles and Atheneum Anderlecht in Anderlecht.
Supported by a continuous participatory process, the mission is organised in several phases. The first phase reveals the specific characteristics of each school and community. The second phase highlights common ambitions for the school and its neighbourhood. Finally, a series of projects is proposed. These are either investment projects or socio-economic actions.
The School Contract aims at improving the urban integration of schools and increasing the range of community facilities available to local residents by opening up schools outside school hours. It also encourages the schools to open up to the neighbourhood through socio-economic initiatives and the redevelopment of surrounding public spaces.