LEUVEN - Ter Elst - How to re-imagine the transition of a garden neighbourhood to a climate neighbourhood through the eyes of the children? Together with Endeavour we went to Ter Elst with a base model on which the local children and youngsters were able to construct their dream square. This resulted in a green square, a loop for bikes, street drawings, a chicken coup and tree houses!

MOL Egelsvennen - In the masterplan for Egelsvennen in Mol we tested the model of the neighbourhood engine, developed by AR-TUR, for integral sustainability of the neighbourhood. Studio Thomas Willemse and Endeavour shared their insights in CAHIER 11: Neighbourhood engine: a reality check, published by AR-TUR.

DENDERLEEUW Wolfsgracht - Very proud with the publication of our masterplan for Wolfsgracht in Denderleeuw in the publication Samen wonen ontwerpen

LIÈGE Territorial Study - Our contribution to the Territorial Development Scheme of Liège captured in an exhibition - Baumans-Deffet - collective act.
15.09.2023 - 22.10.2023


profile - (ir) architect and/or urban designer with a passion for urbanism on the edge of architecture and landscape - dutch and/or french speaking - you are passionate and precise
timing - starting in september 2023
location - Huidevettersstraat/Rue des Tanneurs 60A in the centre of Brussels
apply - send your cv + portfolio to before 15/08/2023
projects - work on a diverse range of urban projects in scale and scope, from urbanism and landscape to architecture

MOL Egelsvennen - in this publication of A+ Edith Wouters reflects on the relation between affordable housing and design

MOL Egelsvennen - kick-off to renovate the “most beautiful neighbourhood” in Mol Egelsvennen during an extended design week with the inhabitants - designweek in collaboration with Endeavour

TURNHOUT Stadspark - proud to share the first competition drawings for the city park of Turnhout

ANDERLECHT - very happy to see our competition proposal for the school Athénée Royal Leonardo Da Vinci in Anderlecht published in the latest A+ magazine - the outdoor spaces are re-imagined as spaces of exchange and interaction with the neighbourhood - great collaboration with BOGDAN & VAN BROECK

SCHEPDAAL - work in progress 2021 - an update of the growing landscape with new images by Jeroen Verrecht

ACROSS - come and have a look at the exhibition 8 offices, 8 perspectives! date: 12/07/2021 - 18/07/2021 location: Mont des Arts 13, Kunstberg 13, 1000 Brussels 11.06.2021

ACROSS - come and have a look at the exhibition 8 offices, 8 perspectives!
date: 12/07/2021 - 18/07/2021
location: Mont des Arts 13, Kunstberg 13, 1000 Brussels

LINT - (temporary) Park - demolition started to create space for the future park 11.06.2021

LINT - (temporary) Park - demolition started to create space for the future park

LINT - (temporary) Park - a project about taking things out - permit received 28.10.2020

LINT - (temporary) Park - a project about taking things out - permit received

ACROSS - Save the date - looking forward to meeting you in Liège! A+258 25.09.2020

ACROSS - Save the date - looking forward to meeting you in Liège!

BRUSSELS - Tracing the lines - scale test 1/1 with the kids of Klavertje Vier photo: WAUW workshops 25.09.2020

BRUSSELS - Tracing the lines - scale test 1/1 with the kids of Klavertje Vier
photo: WAUW workshops

LINT - Instant park: sometimes all you have to do is to take something out. 01.09.2020

LINT - Instant park: sometimes all you have to do is to take something out.

LINT - Perhaps the cities and towns of today are the quarries of the future? Building permit submitted for demolition - and hopefully the harvest - of social houses to already create a temporary park as envisioned in the masterplan.  03.08.2020

LINT - Perhaps the cities and towns of today are the quarries of the future? Building permit submitted for demolition - and hopefully the harvest - of social houses to already create a temporary park as envisioned in the masterplan.

BRUSSELS - Studio Thomas Willemse as part of the collective act. and in collaboration with WAUW and Tractebel is laureate of the BMA competition for the esplanade of the school Klavertje Vier! A surface mosaic will host a playful cycling path in the…

BRUSSELS - Studio Thomas Willemse as part of the collective act. and in collaboration with WAUW and Tractebel is laureate of the BMA competition for the esplanade of the school Klavertje Vier! A surface mosaic will host a playful cycling path in the Brussels North Quarter

ACROSS - Studio Thomas Willemse is honored to be part of the impressive list of offices of the across lecture series! 31.01.2020

ACROSS - Studio Thomas Willemse is honored to be part of the impressive list of offices of the across lecture series!

STUDIO MaHS/MaUSP KUL - Molenbeek re-modeling the tissue - final presentation of student models for MaHS/MaUSP urbanism studio KUL Thomas Willemse as one of the studio tutors 31.01.2020

STUDIO MaHS/MaUSP KUL - Molenbeek re-modeling the tissue - final presentation of student models for MaHS/MaUSP urbanism studio KUL
Thomas Willemse as one of the studio tutors

STUDIO MaHS/MaUSP KUL - Setting the Sonian City final presentation model Thomas Willemse as one of the studio tutors 27.06.2019

STUDIO MaHS/MaUSP KUL - Setting the Sonian City final presentation model
Thomas Willemse as one of the studio tutors

STUDIO MaHS/MaUSP KUL - Setting the Tam Giang-Cua Hai Lagoon Park final presentation model Thomas Willemse as one of the studio tutors 26.06.2019

STUDIO MaHS/MaUSP KUL - Setting the Tam Giang-Cua Hai Lagoon Park final presentation model
Thomas Willemse as one of the studio tutors

LINDEN - designing from the inside to the outside - composing a roofscape 02.05.2019

LINDEN - designing from the inside to the outside - composing a roofscape

SCHEPDAAL - shaping the landscape photo: Mircea Munteanu

SCHEPDAAL - shaping the landscape
photo: Mircea Munteanu

ITTERBEEK - start of design new youth house and computer classes

ITTERBEEK - start of design new youth house and computer classes



SINT-GILLIS-WAAS - finding the pieces of the puzzle

SINT-GILLIS-WAAS - finding the pieces of the puzzle

LINT - imagining a new perpsective for the neighbourhood Kasteelplein photo: Tim Van de Velde

LINT - imagining a new perpsective for the neighbourhood Kasteelplein
photo: Tim Van de Velde




urbanism • landscape • architecture
tel: +32 (0)495 76 17 12
Huidevettersstraat/Rue des Tanneurs 60A 1000 Brussel